Company info
  • Name: Sonus Faber
  • Address: Via A. Meucci, 10
  • City: 36057 Arcugnano (VI)
  • Country: Italy
  • Website:
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The quest of a small craftsmanship activity which later on turned into a solid global corporation has been complex and undergone lots of changes, just like a symphony. Its constant is the expertise in creating and listening to each speaker...

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News articles / Press releases
Sonus Faber MINIMA AMATOR II bookshelves speakers (June 4, 2019) Monitor speakers
Worldwide distributors and dealers
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About our company
Sonus Faber is an Italian manufacturer of handcrafted speakers, headphones, and other high-end audio equipment based in Arcugnano, Veneto, Italy. The company was founded in 1983 by Franco Serblin.
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